Extremism Why Kanye's Antisemitism is so Dangerous If cultural icons can normalize hate and still find support at the highest levels of government and commerce we are not headed for disaster - we are already there.
Counterterrorism Zeroing in on Domestic Extremism A collection of useful resources for those tracking domestic extremism including a number of new deep dives on extremist orgs, their TTPs, and strategies for countering them.
Extremism Extremism: Gamifcation, Funding, and Viral Strains Gamification is probably too narrow and specific to describe how intertwined technology has become with extremism but we still need a gameplan for dealing with technology and the role it plays in facilitating and accelerating these networks.
Covert Contact Terrorists and Technology Levi West, Director of Terrorism Studies at Charles Sturt University in Canberra, returns to look at how terrorists leverage (or don’t) emerging apps and platforms ranging from social media, to encryption, to cryptocurrencies.