About Blogs of War

Welcome to Blogs of War, my personal blog. I'm John W. Little, and since 2002, my projects have focused on understanding and addressing the critical national security, technology, and intelligence challenges facing the the world.

Over the years, I've developed social monitoring tools for revolutions, contributed to a book exploring the life and impact of a friend, launched the Covert Contact podcast, identified and analyzed foreign information operations, had my work on the 2003 Iraq War archived by the Library of Congress, and seen my writings on technology and privacy cited in a federal court case - to mention just a few highlights.

With Blogs of War I have tried to leverage decades of technology experience and a global network of contacts to mine, analyze, aggregate, and surface open source information with an eye towards identifying critical emerging threats. I also try to directly connect Blogs of War readers to smart, respected, non-partisan subject matter experts at every opportunity.

These days I spend a lot of time thinking about how technology, from social media to AI, is driving profound changes and creating significant tension in existing socio-political systems. We are witnessing the emergence of robotics, generative AI, incredibly powerful algorithms, and other transformational technologies that, while impactful now, stand to be significantly more disruptive in the very near future. Navigating this change, avoiding catastrophic conflict, building adaptive and resilient systems (all while preserving democratic ideals) is going to be tremendously challenging. In 2017 I was able to focus on some of these challenges as a Future for Good Fellow at The Institute for the Future

Here's a random assortment of various published works, interviews, and media references: