Lynnette Bukowski: Landing Zone Grace Veterans Retreat

For nearly three decades Lynnette Bukowski served as an Ombudsman and Volunteer Advisor to Families at myriad Naval Special Warfare Commands, and had the privilege of providing guidance and support to many young Warriors and their families. As the wife of a 32 year Veteran Navy SEAL, She learned well the unique life and needs of a Special Forces man and his family. She is now an author, speaker and mentor, the mother of three, the foster mother of 15 special needs children (now grown), a creative professional and an unexpected widow. Providing a safe place for our Warriors to come home to is her “duty and privilege” going forward. You can follow Lynnette on Twitter at @BukowskiLynn.
Landing Zone Grace (LZ-Grace) Veterans Retreat is founded to provide a place for newly transitioning Special Forces personnel to rest, renew and find individual focus for life after war. Our goal is to heal the wounds you don’t see: PTSD, TBI and those emotional wounds not assigned an acronym. Brother to brother – around the dinner table, or fireplace, at the climbing wall or catching fish, if individuals can talk with those they trust, the need to isolate will lessen, the hurt will start to dissipate and healing can begin.
Our program is designed to provide a safe place for Warriors to decompress with support so they can reenter family and civilian life with purpose. Through peer mentoring, recreation-based therapies, life skills instruction and post transition planning, healing and a solid new beginning will be found through and with each other.
Individuals, couples and families of Special Forces, as well as all transitioning military personnel will be invited to attend at separate times. Our one to two week programs will be offered at no cost to the participants and personalized for the group in attendance. We are currently reviewing existing sites across the United States and hope to secure funding to open our doors by end of summer, 2014. For more information please visit
At Landing Zone Grace Veterans Retreat (LZ-Grace) we heal the living.